Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day One.

Well...  I decided to rejoin the blog world.  It's been a while.  I think the last time I blogged was early 2010.  If you're interested in reading my older, funny anecdotes about my oldest children you can still find that blog here:  but...  you should know that SO much has changed about my life since then, I felt like I needed a brand new blog.  I feel sure that everyone who will be reading this - at least at first - already knows me but just in case, I guess I'll make this first entry an introduction of sorts for those who may not know me (and a whole plethora of useless information for those who do or are just being nosy.)  :)

I'm Amanda.  I'm almost, but not quite, 30 and I'm a mother of three.  If you're curious about the "Babies and Bedpans" URL, it is a nod to the fact that I am #1, a mom and #2, a long term care nurse and those things define me.  Having just had my youngest child a little over 5 weeks ago, I consider myself to be a new mom all over again. She's almost like a foreign creature to me but I'm getting back into the swing of things.  My oldest child is 8 years old and she's a little firecracker.  Boy crazy and sharp tongued, very intelligent and confident...  she reminds me of me when I was about 15.  My middle child is 7 and he's amazing.  He's hilarious.  Many of the stories you will find in my old blog and, I'm sure, many of the ones you will find on here will be about him and the clever things he comes up with.  He's one of those kids you can't be mad at because you just have to laugh. 

Another thing some may notice if you read my old blog is that I was married then and lived in Louisville.  Since I posted my last entry there, I am divorced and I live back in my hometown.  My ex-husband and I get along better now (well, most of the time) than we did when we were together and my boyfriend and I live about 5 miles from he and his girlfriend.  It has all worked out well.  On October 10th, my boyfriend and I welcomed a daughter.  She's...  a baby.  I can't really tell much about her personality, yet.  I'm sure she'll be just as colorful and entertaining as my other two, though.  I have a feeling she will provide me with many new, humorous toddler adventures to write about.

So that's my family.  Myself...  I am a temperamental redhead.  I come from a long line of them.  My chosen career is being a nurse working with the elderly population.  I love it.  I think Alzheimer's disease is among the saddest that occurs with age, but almost nothing can light up my whole day like one of my residents.  The meaner they are, the more I love them.  It's what I was put on Earth to do.  I really enjoy a good margarita.  I love to go school supply shopping every summer with my kids.  There's nothing like filling a backpack with fresh ink pens/pencils and highlighters.  I pretend to be a scrapbooker.  I have tons of supplies.  I have good intentions.  I've scrapbooked my way from my oldest child's birth to her fourth birthday and then ran out of steam.  I'll probably catch up by the time they're all 20.  I have a bad mouth.  I know it's not classy and I'm not proud, but sometimes nothing gets your point across like a "bad" word.  I'm not religious.  I don't claim to be a perfect mother but I know I'm a damn good one, despite my flaws.   There's a decent chance I might offend you at some point in my posts, so I'm sorry in advance if I do. 

I think that'll do for now.  The main thing is that I love the man I'm engaged to (and I'm mean as hell to him, but he loves me) and I adore my babies!  Everything I post will be about them in some way and I'll make it as humorous and entertaining as I can.  Promise.  :)


  1. Don't are so not sorry if you ofend someone, and you shouldn't be. :-p
